创建高可用集群时kubeadm init 出现问题
kubeadm init 报错如下kubeadm init --control-plane-endpoint "vip:6443" --upload-certs--image-repository registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers--pod-network-cidr= --kubernetes-version 1.23.5wa
kubeadm init 报错如下
kubeadm init --control-plane-endpoint "vip:6443" --upload-certs --image-repository registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers --pod-network-cidr= --kubernetes-version 1.23.5
wait-control-plane] Waiting for the kubelet to boot up the control plane as static Pods from directory "/etc/kubernetes/manifests". This can take up to 4m0s
[kubelet-check] Initial timeout of 40s passed.
Unfortunately, an error has occurred:
timed out waiting for the condition
This error is likely caused by:
- The kubelet is not running
- The kubelet is unhealthy due to a misconfiguration of the node in some way (required cgroups disabled)
If you are on a systemd-powered system, you can try to troubleshoot the error with the following commands:
- 'systemctl status kubelet'
- 'journalctl -xeu kubelet'
Additionally, a control plane component may have crashed or exited when started by the container runtime.
To troubleshoot, list all containers using your preferred container runtimes CLI.
Here is one example how you may list all Kubernetes containers running in docker:
- 'docker ps -a | grep kube | grep -v pause'
Once you have found the failing container, you can inspect its logs with:
- 'docker logs CONTAINERID'
error execution phase wait-control-plane: couldn't initialize a Kubernetes cluster
To see the stack trace of this error execute with --v=5 or higher
根据报错提示,使用给的docker journalctl 的日志均无法追踪到错误原因。创建单点 master 集群没有这个问题,且正常执行。但是创建高可用多master 就会init 失败。
#创建单点 master 集群没有这个问题,命令如下
kubeadm init \ --kubernetes-version v1.23.5 \ --image-repository registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers \ --pod-network-cidr=
kubeadm init --control-plane-endpoint "vip:6443" --upload-certs --image-repository registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers --pod-network-cidr= --kubernetes-version 1.23.5
使用如下探测更详细更灵敏日志,增加–v=6 参数
kubeadm init --control-plane-endpoint "vip:6443" --upload-certs --v=6 --image-repository registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers --pod-network-cidr= --kubernetes-version 1.23.5
GET in 4 milliseconds
原因是健康检查时连接 control-plane-endpoint 地址超时了,知道问题原因,那问题就迎刃而解了,–control-plane-endpoint参数,要么不加端口,要么加6443端口,否则都会报这个错,你可curl -I 下GET 后的链接,只要能正常访问则ok。